Trees and Woodlands Zine
Announcing my forthcoming mini-publication / zine, Trees and Woodlands.
This will ship in the new year, for a limited time period, as a gift to anyone who buys one of my prints. As the subtitle suggests, it contains eleven of my tree photographs, all shot on film. Additionally, there is a short introductory essay, technical notes for each shot (film type and so on), and a ‘hints and tips’ section on making effective woodland images. In hand, it feels like a slim magazine with good quality reproductions.
From today, the zine is also available in my shop as a modestly priced digital download. I recognise that not everyone may be in the market for a print, so it’s a good, economical way of making my zine more accessible.
Black and White Photography magazine
A few posts back I shared a smartphone image of some alliums against a white wall. I'm pleased to say this image has been published in Black and White Photography magazine, as part of their 'Smartshots' feature.
Alliums against a Wall
If you don't already know it, this is certainly a publication to check out. Highlights this month include work by Stephen Shore and Nick Brandt, as well as lots of inspirational images and advice. While the magazine doesn't exactly have a house style, there is a unifying elegance to the work, and the quality of the reproductions is very fine. The emphasis is on artistic photography (of the black and white kind, naturally) rather than equipment or industry issues. I also enjoy that the images are subtly toned, which creates a visual variety, even in black and white.